Green hydrogen production plant of 25 MW

The Valle H2V Navarra project involves the construction of an industrial-scale green hydrogen production plant in Rocaforte, Sangüesa (Navarre). It was listed as a project of Regional Interest in February 2023.

The project is for the construction of a 25-MW hydrogen electrolyzer on land adjacent to the Sangüesa biomass plant, owned by ACCIONA Energía. The electrolyzer will be powered directly by hybrid renewable energy produced at a photovoltaic plant (25 MW) and a wind farm (24 MW), both facilities also newly built, thereby contributing to:

  • Achieving competitive production costs
  • Complying with EU requirements for considering hydrogen as renewable under the principle of additionality, which requires temporal and geographical correlation.
  • Helping achieve EU and Spanish objectives.
  • Decongesting the electricity transmission grid by having a hybrid (solar and wind) renewable energy farm directly connected to the hydrogen plant.
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ACCIONA Energía and Plug Power’s plans contemplate a total joint investment of €87 million and the creation of more than 500 direct, indirect and induced jobs during the plant’s construction phase.

Once built, the plant will reach a total production of 3,880 tons of renewable hydrogen per year. The objective is to allocate around 90% of production to local, high energy-consuming industries, such as paper, glass, steel, food, and automotive, as well as Plug Power clients in materials handling, stationary energy and road mobility applications, contributing to their decarbonization and CO2 emission reduction. The remaining 10% will be allocated to the transportation sector with a hydrogen fueling station at the same location.

The project contemplates future expansion of the hydrogen plant, depending on the evolution of demand, to double the initially-proposed hydrogen electrolysis capacity up to 50 MW.

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The project brings together all the key elements of the green hydrogen value chain, from renewable energy generation and production infrastructure, to green hydrogen storage and distribution. Once commissioned, it will be one of the largest green hydrogen plants in Europe.

The Valle H2V Navarra project is expected to begin generating green hydrogen by early 2025, allowing the Navarre Government to meet the Region’s Green Hydrogen Agenda, a roadmap for developing a green hydrogen ecosystem with an installed production of 10-30 MW by 2024 and 150 MW by 2030.


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Financiado por la Unión Europea
Ministerio de transición ecológica y el reto demográfico
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia
Hidrógeno renovable - Proyectos singulares y pioneros

Project financed by the European Union – NextGenerationEU in the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.